We started in 1984.What does it mean to be in the same business for more than 30 years?
- Some of our staff that started out as bright young college students now run whole departments for us. Low turnover improves continuity. Staff longevity cements client relationships.
- Attitude and perspective flow down from the top.
- We know the value of cross training and we practice it. When we say “full-service staff,” we mean it in more than one way.
- We’ve made a lot of mistakes…but only once. And we learned something from each one. Problem-solving is much easier after a quarter century because we know which problems to anticipate and how to solve them.
- Experience combined with imagination and zeal is an unbeatable combination.
- Wonderful people who started out as clients are now friends. We’ve shared good times and bad. A quiet bond of trust and respect has grown comfortable.
- Once you figure out what is best for your client just do it.
- Growth and progress don’t just happen. We have to MAKE them happen.
- Enthusiasm is contagious.
- Hard work pays off.
- Your word is EVERY thing.
- Results matter.