Contact Name* First Last Email* Phone*Organization Name*Please describe briefly the association or organization seeking information on association management services: Private for profit Non profit 501-C3 Non profit 501-C6 Incorporated (Country, State, etc.) New Organization (not incorporated yet) Other Statuses:Current number of Society/Association members?If this is a new organization, please skip this question.Number approximately 1 year ago?Number approximately 2 years ago?If this is a new organization, please project 2nd year membership.Is there a membership application/qualification process? Yes, but no review process (completed application only) Yes, with a review process by a Committee No, anyone can be a member Approximate # of new member applications received per year:Does the organization collect membership dues? Yes No If yes, how much are annual dues?Do you know which Association Management Software platform your current management is using? Are there currently issues with data tracking/management? Please describe.Approximate number of membership or other mailings per month?Number of functioning committees of the organization including Board and/or Executive Committee.How long has the organization been in existence?How often does the Board / Executive Council meet? Annually Bi-annually How often do standing committees meet? Annually Bi-annually Does the organization raise money through fundraising/grantsmanship efforts? Yes No e.g. Do you solicit sponsorship from companies/corporations for education of members, public education, research, etc.?If yes, what is your annual fundraising goal (other than funds required for operation of your annual meeting?)Does the organization have a web site Yes No More than one What are the site address(es)?Are you happy with your current web site(s)? Yes No What are you looking to change or improve?Does the organization participate on Social Media?* Yes No Which services do you currently use?* Facebook Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Instagram Line/WhatsApp/GroupMe Others If not, please explain why not or what your plans for Social Media are?*Please describe any other special technology needs beyond web applications and social mediaPlease indicate your goals for the next 12 months.Goal Use the + icon to add a new row.The greatest current administrative challenge to the organization is:Please indicate your interest in the following association management services provided by BSC. ACCME/CEU (or equivalent) accreditation & administration Administrative oversight of research projects Advertising sales for publications Budget development/preparation and tracking Bylaws structure: updates and revision Committee activity and support services Financial reports Fundraising and grantsmanship Generation of Board / Committee minutes Headquarters service: answer phones, respond to requests & correspondence, act as liaison to members and public Legislative Information: Track & report Liaison with journal Literature: design, development and production Member application process Member education/workshops/seminars Member list & database maintenance Member recruitment Mobile app development Provide administrative staff for Committee Meetings Public Relations / Media Marketing Sales of organization's promotional products (tshirts, mugs, etc.) Social Media Management Special project management (e.g. large-scale educational initiatives, outcomes tracking, etc.) Staff Executive/Board meetings Technology services (web site / web application development) We have a separate questionnaire for Conference PlanningPlease add any additional services you would need that are not listed above.Rate these qualities for their importance to your organization in a management firm or executive director.Not neededNot desiredNeutralDesiredStrongly desiredFinancial organizational skillsProvide good membership serviceSensitivity and tact Enthusiasm for the organization's missionAbility to provide personalized service to the organization's leadership Ability to organize and implement excellent meetingsAbility to raise fundsAccess to wide variety of software and inĀhouse technology expertiseStrong, flexible staffCost-effectivenessPlease tell us anything else we would need to know about your organization so that we can accurately quote your service fees.What is your annual anticipated budget for association management?*NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.