Conference Planning Questionnaire Contact name*Phone*Email* Conference/Organization Name*Conference/Organization Website* Organization Type Private for profit Non profit 501C3 501C6 Incorporated (Country, State, etc.) Other If other, please explain*What is the approximate attendance at the conference/meeting(s)?If you know the breakdowns between types of attendees and/or exhibiting companies please indicate.Total number of Association members (if related to an association?)Approximate mailing list numbers for potential attendees?What is the status of your current mailing lists? Adequate Need to develop additional target lists How is the meeting currently marketed?When and where are your next conferences going to be held?Are the above dates and locations already contracted? Yes No How often is this conference held? Does the meeting draw attendees that are: Mostly local From out of town (US) International The meeting venue typically is a: Hotel Convention Center Other Venue If other, please describe:How many days does the meeting last?What does a typical day's schedule look like?The meeting(s) feature One main session Concurrent sessions Hands-on Labs Technical Exhibits / Exhibit Hall Posters / Digital Posters Video Sessions Live Streaming Other What other features do your meetings have?Are tours or activities available for guests not participating in the meetings? Yes No Are social events for the attendees packaged with the meeting? Yes No Please describe any social events or guest activities:What are the organization’s goals for the conference? Technical / scientific updates Networking Continuing education Sales staff meeting/incentive trip Other Please check all that apply.If other, please describe:Please indicate your interest in the following services provided by BSC. Site selection Hotel contracts/negotiation Faculty/speaker communications/travel Technical/audiovisual coordination Abstract collection / review / program generation Develop registration form, rules and fee schedules Advance registration On site registration Tour and sicial events Contract negotiations* Develop and distribitor prospectus Exhibit management/floor plans Exhibitor sales/marketing and communications Budgets/ accounting function Delegate marketing Write/design/print advance program/flyers/final program Work with program chair to write/develop program Meeting mobile app development and management Sell advertisements in program books Solicit sponsorship/grants On site operation of conference Organize specialty luncheons On site oversight of social functions Food and beverage planning and tracking Other: *Contract negotiations and interface w/convention center, and exhibit management/decorator companies.If other, please describe:What is your anticipated budget for meeting planning services?NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.